Civil Lawsuits (Defense)
Often a criminal charge of sexual misconduct is followed by a civil lawsuit to take all of the defendant and his family’s money. Frequently the victim of these lawsuits are innocent wives or family members because the community assets of the non-offender spouse are reachable to satisfy huge potential judgements, often millions of dollars, totally wiping out a life time of work.
No Insurance Coverage
Typical insurance policies do not cover intentional torts and sex molestation and sexual battery are considered intentional torts. Plaintiff attorneys seek out people with assets such as homeownership, companies and churches; or just folks who have worked their entire lives and saved their money.We vigorously defend these lawsuits. We have successfully tried a number of these to a jury. We have defended professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers from losing everything.
Asset Protection
We are skilled at protecting your hard earned assets. These claims cannot be discharged in bankruptcy court but there are things that can be done.Homestead exemptions are important. Simply transferring properties to another person’s name is not effective because they can be set aside as a transfer in defraud of creditors. Call us so we can explain.
Call us to protect against these civil lawsuits