Rape And Date Rape – California Rape And Date Rape Laws (PC 261)
We’re Here To Help
Don’t let your son be punished because a vindictive ex-girlfriend claims rape. We have extensive experience in defending this frequently charged crime. We have represented professional athletes and members of other professions such as doctors and lawyers accused of this ever-popular false charge. Contact us.
Forcible Rape
Forcible rape is where someone is forced to have sexual intercourse without consent. This can be actual physical force or by intimidation or coercion. The penalties are long state prison sentences. We fight these charges because they are frequently false.Rape Of An Unconscious Person
Every day you read in the news about a claim by a woman that she drank too much and was sexually penetrated while she was ‘unconscious’ because she was drunk and passed out. You are probably very skeptical of the truth of these charges and you should be. Many of these charges are false – and, are really consensual sex that the person feels bad about when they sober up.Many young men have had their lives ruined by false charges when really what happened was totally consensual.
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape or what is called unlawful intercourse is sex with someone under the age of 18. This can be serious if the man or women is more than 10 years older than the teenager. We have represented both men and women charged with this crime, and if guilty, we avoid jail and avoid sex registration.Date Rape
This is a situation that starts out as a friendly consensual event and turns very ugly when your “date” later says that he or she feels bad about what happened and now the morning after decides it was rape.Call us – we win these cases.